Attorney Greg Stapp Signs Election Integrity Declaration in Harrisburg
On May 11th, 2022, representatives from more than 70 political activism groups met in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania’s state capital, to sign a declaration calling for state legislation to return to in-person voting, with the exceptions noted in the election code before the implementation of Act 77. Act 77, enacted in 2019, allowed mail-in voting in the […]
Stapp Law, LLC Nominated for ‘The 2022 Readers’ Voice Awards’ Best Personal Injury Attorney
Stapp Law, LLC was recently nominated in the People and Services: Personal Injury Attorney category for The 2022 Citizens’ Voice Readers’ Voice Awards. We are both honored and humbled to have received this nomination from the members of our community.
Stapp Gives Notice of Litigation to PA AG
On January 26, 2022, attorney Gregory A. Stapp of Stapp Law, LLC provided notice to Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro of his intent to pursue civil action against the parties who failed to report and properly handle an incident of criminal sexual assault occurring in 2018. Gregory Stapp is filing a claim on behalf of […]
Drowsy driving may be responsible for 72,000 crashes
When it comes to impaired driving in Pennsylvania, the focus is often on substances. However, otherwise responsible drivers also operate vehicles while impaired by driving drowsy. Some may become sleepy during long road trips. Others may start to nod off after pulling a long shift at work. These drivers are often as dangerous as drunk […]
What are the two types of emotional distress in the workplace?
When Pennsylvania workers consider workers’ compensation laws and if they can sue their employer, they often think only of physical injuries. There are also times when you may deal with obnoxious or predatory behavior from a boss or co-worker, and someone does not take your complaints as seriously as they should. At this point, depression […]
OSHA’s fall prevention stand-down set for May 6-10
Every year, OSHA holds a National Safety Stand-Down in the effort to prevent fall-related accidents in the construction industry. The sixth annual stand-down has been set for May 6 to 10, during which time employers throughout Pennsylvania and the rest of the U.S. are encouraged to sit down with their employees and discuss fall hazards, […]
A herniated disk will cause pain and slow you down
Any type of back or neck injury is sure to cause you pain and discomfort, while also slowing you down. Unfortunately, this could lead to a situation in which you’re unable to work. In some cases, you may suffer a herniated disk as a result of your employment in Williamsport. For example, if you have a physically […]
Report claims autonomous cars are still far from safe
Pennsylvania residents who follow developments in the technology sector are likely aware that several carmakers have vowed to bring fully autonomous vehicles to market within the next few years. Recent fatal accidents involving a Tesla sedan with its Autopilot feature engaged and a self-driving SUV being tested by the ride-sharing company Uber have prompted some […]
Avoiding common workers’ comp claim mistakes
Suffering an injury at work can be terrifying, leaving you uncertain as to when you can return to work, how you will provide for your family and more. The U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics reported that in 2017, employees suffered 882,730 workplace injuries or illnesses that resulted in days away from work. Fortunately, Pennsylvania requires most […]
CVSA announces dates of International Roadcheck 2019
Drivers in Pennsylvania and around the country can expect to see tractor-trailers undergoing rigorous roadside inspections between June 4 and June 6 as the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance conducts its annual International Roadcheck safety blitz. During the 72-hour crackdown in 2018, about 12,000 semi-trucks and more than 2,500 commercial vehicle drivers were ordered out of […]