How Does Workers’ Comp Pay for Lost Wages in Pennsylvania?
You’re injured, and now you can’t work. How will you pay your rent, mortgage, car note, and other bills? Will you be able to afford groceries and keep the lights on? And if you were injured on the job, do you know how workers’ comp pays for lost wages in Pennsylvania? We know this is […]
What Happens After You Win a Workers’ Compensation Case?
Securing workers’ compensation benefits can be an uphill battle. Many applicants are initially denied, forcing them to go through an appeals process in order to secure the benefits they are rightfully owed. With so much effort going into winning these benefits, few people give much thought to what happens after you win a workers’ compensation […]
What Do Workers’ Compensation Benefits Cover?
The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation and Occupational Disease Acts makes it mandatory for employers in PA to carry workers’ compensation insurance. Workers’ comp insurance exists to provide financial benefits to workers who are injured, acquire an illness, or experience the worsening of a health condition due to their employment. But getting these benefits after an on-the-job […]
What Are Your Rights If You Get Injured at Work?
Whether you work on a construction site, in retail, or at the office, you put your safety and well-being on the line every time you clock in. This is because there is no such thing as a 100% risk-free workplace. Depending on your line of work, workplace injuries might be a real and ever-present threat.
What injuries do registered nurses suffer from?
Registered nurses face one of the most physically demanding jobs possible, with many doing back-breaking labor every single day. On top of that, nurses are actually the most likely to suffer from illness or injury compared to other workers in the health care sector. Though this is due in part to the high number of […]
Reviewing different types of workers’ compensation benefits
Whether you recently sustained an injury while working or you worry about the risks you face while on the job, it is important to go over the different ways in which workers’ compensation helps eligible workers. In fact, some people do not know about the different benefits that workers’ comp offers, and these benefits are […]
3 tips for filing a workers’ compensation claim
When you woke up to go to work, you did not expect that you would sustain a serious injury at your workplace. But this is a reality for many workers, and these injuries leave many with serious injuries that affect their employment and overall health. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employers reported 2.8 […]
Reviewing work-related traffic accidents
Depending on the field you work in, there are many hazards you need to look out for while performing your job duties. Many workers find themselves behind the wheel, from truck drivers and taxi drivers to construction workers. Moreover, you could become involved in a traffic accident while working because your employer asked you to […]
Can a car accident qualify for workers’ compensation?
Getting into a car accident may result in serious and life-altering injuries, as can an incident on the job site. Is there a way workers’ compensation insurance may cover your crash injuries? Under Pennsylvania’s workers’ compensation laws, if you get hurt during the ordinary course of business, the insurer may cover your medical bills and loss […]
Can I File a Personal Injury Claim Against My Employer?
Your immediate reaction after a work incident, especially if it was somehow due to your employer’s negligence, is to file a lawsuit. Before you start the paperwork, you should take a step back because the chances are you cannot sue your employer. The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry explains the workers’ compensation system works to stop […]