How To Choose a Personal Injury Lawyer
Suffering an unexpected injury is a life-altering experience. Whereas before your accident, you might have been able to do things like work, take your kids to and from school, and engage in your favorite hobbies, you are now severely limited in your capacity to enjoy life the same way.
What Are Your Rights If You Get Injured at Work?
Whether you work on a construction site, in retail, or at the office, you put your safety and well-being on the line every time you clock in. This is because there is no such thing as a 100% risk-free workplace. Depending on your line of work, workplace injuries might be a real and ever-present threat.
Stapp Law, LLC Nominated for ‘The 2022 Readers’ Voice Awards’ Best Personal Injury Attorney
Stapp Law, LLC was recently nominated in the People and Services: Personal Injury Attorney category for The 2022 Citizens’ Voice Readers’ Voice Awards. We are both honored and humbled to have received this nomination from the members of our community.
Stapp Gives Notice of Litigation to PA AG
On January 26, 2022, attorney Gregory A. Stapp of Stapp Law, LLC provided notice to Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro of his intent to pursue civil action against the parties who failed to report and properly handle an incident of criminal sexual assault occurring in 2018. Gregory Stapp is filing a claim on behalf of […]
How Does Alcohol Affect Reaction Time While Driving?
While driving, you must always be ready to react to anything that happens. A quick reaction time is vital to preventing accidents. When someone is driving under the influence of alcohol, their reaction time is affected. Lowered reaction times increase the likelihood of a car accident. Read on to learn more about how alcohol can […]
Who Has the Right of Way in a Traffic Circle?
While driving is a necessary part of almost everyone’s life, about 1 in 57 people are involved in traffic crashes per year according to data collected by Pennsylvania’s Department of Transportation in 2019. Not surprisingly, though, a little over ¼ of those involve a vehicle at an intersection or while taking a turn.
What injuries do registered nurses suffer from?
Registered nurses face one of the most physically demanding jobs possible, with many doing back-breaking labor every single day. On top of that, nurses are actually the most likely to suffer from illness or injury compared to other workers in the health care sector. Though this is due in part to the high number of […]
Trucker substance abuse violations on the rise
Commercial truck drivers across Pennsylvania and the rest of the nation have a duty to exercise care and caution behind the wheel. Yet, sometimes, truck drivers take unnecessary risks behind the wheel that endanger everyone they encounter. Research shows that the number of commercial truckers using drugs and alcohol on the job is rising rapidly. […]
What are the different types of skull fracture?
After suffering a personal injury, you want an accurate inventory of the harm you sustained. You hurt your skull during the incident, but what kind of fracture did you endure? Johns Hopkins Medicine explains the four skull fracture types. By identifying your specific injury, you better understand how much to seek in damages. Depressed skull fracture You […]
Reviewing different types of workers’ compensation benefits
Whether you recently sustained an injury while working or you worry about the risks you face while on the job, it is important to go over the different ways in which workers’ compensation helps eligible workers. In fact, some people do not know about the different benefits that workers’ comp offers, and these benefits are […]