Taking Legal Action After You Suffer A Work Site Injury
Pennsylvania laws require employers to provide workers’ compensation benefits to employees who suffer job-related injuries. These benefits are payable without regard to who was at fault for the accident. Pennsylvania’s “no-fault” benefits system can streamline the filing process for hurt workers.
However, there are drawbacks:
- Benefits do not include compensation for pain and suffering, damages that can be included in a civil lawsuit settlement.
- Benefits do not always provide adequate financial support for all work-related injuries.
- Benefits may not cover lost wages for an indefinite period of time for severe injuries that prevent an employer from working in the future.
I am attorney Gregory Stapp. For over 20 years, I have helped injured workers obtain the full compensation they deserve. In some cases, that means filing a personal injury lawsuit when it is allowed under the law. In Pennsylvania, you generally can’t sue your employer for a work-related injury. However, if a third party caused your injury, you may be able to sue this party for damages beyond what workers’ compensation will pay.
Lawsuits For Products Liability And Negligence
When you retain my services, I will develop an aggressive strategy that identify parties responsible for their negligence and hold them accountable for these actions.
A qualified trial lawyer, I have filed suits against a variety of third parties, including:
- Suppliers
- Manufacturers of products used on the job
- Other companies working on the site
- Other drivers in motor vehicle accidents
Your particular claim may involve one or more of the following: workers’ compensation, third-party negligence and products liability. My firm is equipped to handle complex cases for construction workers, those employed in the oil and gas industry and others. I have a successful record of obtaining favorable results for the injured and their loved ones.
Beyond Workers’ Compensation. Work With A Trial Lawyer To Receive Fair Compensation.
Contact my Williamsport firm online or over the phone at 570-326-1077. During your free claim evaluation, I will study the factors that led to your injury. Together, we can identify a course of action to pursue.