Facts To Know About Negligence Claims
If you have been injured as a result of an accident that could have been prevented, your injury was likely caused by a negligent act. Negligence can apply to a wide variety of personal injury cases, including:
- Dog bites
- Day care injuries
- Auto accidents
- Swimming pool accidents
- Slip-and-fall accidents
- Other related injuries
To recover compensation for damages such as medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering in a personal injury case, you must prove that another party was negligent. Basically, this means that:
- The other party had a duty to uphold (such as obeying Pennsylvania traffic laws).
- They failed to uphold their duty.
- This failure caused your injury.
However, you are not in this alone. I, attorney Greg Stapp of Stapp Law, LLC, will stand by you. I am committed to protecting the best interests of injured individuals in Williamsport and central Pennsylvania. I will handle all of the legal details of your negligence claim, so you can focus on recovering smoothly.
There Are Different Types Of Negligence
Negligent acts of all kinds can result in injury, but it is necessary to provide evidence of the type of negligence you suffered in order to obtain your full compensation. The different types of negligence include:
- Gross negligence: The negligence exhibited was so careless that a complete lack of concern for the safety and well-being of others was readily apparent. This serious form of negligence exceeds simple carelessness.
- Comparative negligence: The injured party is only partially or marginally responsible for the injuries incurred. In this type of case, the injured party may be held partially responsible for paying the costs of injuries, damages, medical expenses, etc.
- Contributory negligence: The injured party was somehow responsible for causing their own injury in some manner and cannot collect damages.
- Mixed contributory and comparative negligence: If the injured party is found to be more than 50 percent responsible for causing their own injury, they may receive a portion or percentage of damages (or none at all).
- Vicarious liability: The at-fault party is responsible for the actions of another person or animal.
- Vicarious liability typically applies to cases where dogs or young children cause serious injury to another person. The parent or owner of the animal is held liable because the child (under the age of seven) or animal is incapable of committing negligence. In some cases, employers can be held to be responsible for vicarious liability for failing to oversee the actions of their employees.
As your lawyer, I will work hard to secure the money that you deserve, no matter the kind of negligence you suffered.
Considering Legal Action? Our Skilled Lawyer Can Help Establish A Strong Claim.
The stakes are high when you need compensation to defray medical costs and other obligations. Work with a proven professional to receive the settlement you deserve.
You can reach my Williamsport office over the phone at 570-326-1077 or by completing this contact form.