Commercial truck drivers spend long hours on the road and are constantly tempted by the lure of multitasking. Whether it is making a call, personal grooming or eating behind the wheel, drivers who allow themselves to be distracted can become a hazard on the road. A tractor-trailer driver who drifts into an oncoming lane or fails to recognize stopped traffic can cause collisions with deadly consequences.
The age of technology was supposed to make vehicles safer and tasks more convenient. Unfortunately, it has simply given drivers access to more distractions. From hands-free messaging to the multitude of infotainment screens in the cab, truck drivers often choose to pass the time behind the wheel by completing other tasks. These distractions can often be categorized as Cognitive, Manual or Visual. Some tasks such as typing a text or eating food can overlap all three types of distractions.
The tractor-trailer cab is likely outfitted with radio controls on the steering wheel and a touch-screen system on the console, and truck drivers might find the allure of distractions simply too great. The addition of mobile technology such as navigation devices, fuel-economy monitors, fleet communication systems and electronic logging devices (ELD) has made the cab a forest of digital distractions.
With the potential for medical bills, property damage and litigation, what steps can be taken to force truck drivers to avoid distractions? In many instances, the first step is training. By educating drivers, they can clearly understand the risks that distracted driving poses. Even an activity as universal as taking a sip from a travel mug of coffee or bottle of water can take your attention, hands and eyes from the road. This momentary loss of focus can result in devastating collisions.
If you were injured by a distracted driver or negligent truck driver, it is crucial that you seek legal guidance at once. You might be entitled to recover monetary compensation.