Get Compensation For Work-Related Back Injuries
Workers’ compensation doctors may not take your back injury as seriously as you do. This can lead to serious problems if you don’t received the medical treatment and therapy you need.
Back injuries can lead to chronic pain that may require costly surgery and a long period of therapy. If you suffer back pain as the result of a work-related injury, you deserve compensation for medical bills and lost wages. Even if you had an existing back injury, you are entitled to benefits if your condition was aggravated by a workplace accident.
I am attorney Greg Stapp, and I can guide you through the workers’ compensation process to obtain the benefits you deserve. I have been serving injured workers in Williamsport and central Pennsylvania for over 20 years, and I will put that experience to work for you. You can depend on my professional and skilled legal counsel to protect your best interests throughout the entire workers’ compensation process.
Seek Treatment And Benefits For Back Injuries That Prevent You From Working
Like repetitive motion injuries, back injuries affect in a wide range of industries:
- Nurses can suffer back injuries from moving heavy patients
- Construction workers can injure their backs in falls
- Workers whose jobs require them to life heavy objects can suffer injuries
It’s important to seek treatment for any injury that prevents you from working, as it can worsen over time. You should also contact Stapp Law, LLC, to learn more about your rights under our state’s workers’ compensation program. I know how to deal with unfair workers’ compensation carriers and employers to get you the benefits you need to recover your health as fully as possible.
Contact An Experienced Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Today
To arrange a free consultation with me, you can email me or call my Williamsport office directly at 570-326-1077.